
Random Thoughts of the Day

1. Nancy Pelosi creeps me the fuck out.

2. Did I really hear people chanting "we're #1" inside the capitol building at the state of the union address, as if it was a sporting event? Really?

3. Is there legislation in place that requires all bands hailing from Raleigh, NC to have a pedal steel?

4. I want a pedal steel.

5. Community matters. (<-I need to work at this.)

6. WTF?

7. Seriously, WTF? This is wrong for so many reasons.

8. Awesome.

9. Awesomer.



Cheerwine Cream Bars, brought to you by Food Lion. Clearly I am in the south.

In other news I had Southern Tier's Krampus Imperial Helles Lager and it was delcious in a very aggressive way; in a Christmas just punched you in the mouth kind of way. Very resiny upfront hops. Maybe I'll put up a proper review but 'til then let's just say 'Highly Reccomended'. I'm fast becoming a Southern Tier fan, especially after this year's Pumpking Ale.


Kaine & Warner

I made it in !


Ticket in hand. Whether or not it's actually a ticket remains to be seen.

Obama Line

This is where I'm camped out for about five hours.


So, as of right now the line is wrapped from the SW entrance to in front of urec. Here's hoping I get in...


Thatone '08



Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

I really don't like to syndicate this sort of thing but in this instance I can't help myself. This caption pretty well sums up my thoughts every time I hear her speak. Unfortunately I know there are plenty of people like the old-timer I overheard discussing her debate performance: "She has a good way about her...". Yeeesh. I had confidence in 2004 that Americans would make the right choice and perhaps had learned the lesson about electing the dumb-likable candidate instead of the candidate that can form a cogent thought NOT based on divisive rhetoric. I'm more confident this year, but very prepared to be let down.




MACRoCk 2008

ANATHALLO was AMAZING! I rarely, nay never, find myself standing behind a console grinning like an idiot in amazement at what was happening on stage but I caught myself doing just that multiple times during their 40min set. Funny thing was I'm not even sure they would count the set in the top few percent of shows they've played. There was just an amazing amount of positive energy coming from a band playing some powerful good songs. Good times.

Other bands of note for me were Shapiro (heard of them, finally heard them), which we're just plain fun and from Friday night at CST The Secret Life Of Sofia and Beautiful Traps. Elf Power was F*CKING LOUD but good.

Memorial Hall: The venue for Saturday's show was an old ~1200 seat high school auditorium purchased by the university. The load-in was great; a dock right to stage, and there was plenty of wing space and backstage. The one thing that sucked was NO POWER! OK, that's not entirely true, there six edison circuits scattered throughout the auditorium, stage, and adjacent room. We knew about it going in and were prepared to make it work. But, it is just unbelievable that a performance venue (former HS or not) doesn't have a panel somewhere near the stage. The audio and dimmer racks are above SL, but best I could see they were fed from a utility room on the roof. Sigh...



So I fell off of the blogging bandwagon that I was never really on in the first place. It happens apparently. So here is a selective/scattered update for the two of you.

Since the new year it's been a pretty typical winter, slow for live events, but this year instead of getting LOTS of shop work done we've been pretty slammed with installation work. I can't complain about the work, but I sure miss having a winter break. One of these jobs was the first we've used a Danley Sound Labs speaker. The room was fairly small (~36'x~55') and there was no good place for subs so a single SH-100B seemed like an ideal solution. I was extremely impressed with the results. One box covers the entire room with enough SPL for a contemporary style worship service and sounds great. Enough LF was simply not an issue. In fact, aside from a HPF the only processing applied to the box was to tame >80Hz content. (That's not entirely true, we ended up making a couple of room resonance cuts, but the room isn't the box's fault.) All in all a very cool little box. I can only imagine that DSL's other designs are equally impressive.

In February we did a college show with a loud emo/punk/rock band. The show is worth mentioning for me because this was a fly date for the band. On non-fly dates the band is all ears and I got the impression that they has their own MON guy. This date they had no MON guy and 3/6 pairs of ears. So I'm mixing MON's for a band that is used to ears and their own guy with wedges for half of the band. What could've been a somewhat not fun day turned into a really rewarding day for me. The band was picky but super easy to work with and end the end everybody was happy.

Later that same week I did a walk in for a local 250-seat theatre presenting everyone's favorite Guit-Steel player Junior Brown. The show was good (even if they didn't play either of my favorite tunes) and the Fender twin wasn't turned all the way up, only up to 9.25.

March, among other things, was the third musical of the year for a local community theatre I work with: The Wiz, directed by Colton Berry (of brief American Idol fame). Not much to say about this one. Over top of one of the weekends of the Wiz was James Madison University's James Madison Week. Usually it's "James Madison Day" and the have a keynote event/speech in the 1300-seat theatre and a luncheon in the ballroom and that is that. 2008 is JMU's centennial and it became Jimmy Madison Week and the production was considerably scaled up. The keynote event was moved to the arena, the Govorner spoke and three large music ensembles were added to the mix, in addition to the luncheon and a few other events. It was a busy week for me.

The following week I worked an Irish Caberet featuring Noel V. Ginnity which was fun if only for the photo.

Later that week was racks and stacks for Mannheim Steamroller. "But it's not Christmas!" you say. Correct. But they definitely played Christmas music for their encore. We actually loaded in a day early to demo the rig for our friends in Richmond. I like the QSC Wideline just fine, but I think they weren't going to buy it before they heard it and I don't think they heard anything at the demo to change their mind. We did the demo with only factory processing applied, and obviously with line arrays everything is a function of how it's arrayed, but with that said there has always been something in the Low-Mids that I don't like.

Show day all was good. The BE, Nick, was cool to talk to and a smart guy. Though he definitely tuned the PA with SmaartLive running a 1/3-oct RTA, and the resultant EQ was what I would call ugly. That said, his show sounded good. It just goes to show that there are several ways to do the same thing and if it sounds good it is good.

Following the Mannheim show I took a week to spend Easter with the GF's family in NJ and some time in NY (state, unfortunately). Last night I worked a college culture show and now through Friday is a lot of shop work to convert the remaining ep6 systems to NL8/NL4 and paint 50+ speakers.

This weekend MACRoCk descends on Harrisonburg. I always look forward to MACRoCk because I usually hear at least one band every year that I wonder how I ever did without before. I'm sure that will be true this year but, in addition to the bands I don't yet know and those I am passingly familiar with, ANATHALLO is playing MACRoCk! For the past three years I have worked the Wheatland Music Festival in Wheatland, MI. The sound co. sends a core crew from VA and we supplement crew locally. The first two years I was there a couple of guys named Dan and Matt were a couple of the locals working with us. Dan and Matt were in a band called Anathallo. The knowledge got filed away in some dark recess, but about a year ago I stumbled across Anathallo again and since have become one of my top 10-15 favorite bands. I've yet to experience the band live but it'll be a good show I'm sure, and I expect the other bands won't suck either. If you're at the show (you should be) say hi.




I knew it!


Take the power back.

The Diagnosis.

The Threat.

The Cure.

Take the power back.



Pumpkin Snow

I want some snow. It's adequately cold and that time of year, so in the spirit of the holidays let's ignore the global warming trend and blizzard a bit. Also, I would like to find some Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale. It seemed to be available for all of one week this year and I didn't get any. How sad.

"Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow"



Concert Etiquette

Required reading kids. I've just had one of the most annoying concert experiences to date.

Thank You.


Orchestra Gig



Music is as much about silence as it is noise. Silence is "0" and white noise at 170db is "10". It seems like more folks identify with Nigel when he says "But, these go to 11." Explore the range from "0"-"9". Please.


Christian Rock & Bar Brawls

So, back-tracking a little bit:

Back at the beginning of the month I was on a gig providing racks & stacks for a couple of dates with a christian rock band. The night after the first date in Wheeling, WV I had just settled into the first of my allotted four hours of sleep when I was awakened by the sound of gun shots and J running to the window. J made it to the window just in time to see a guy drop in the street right outside the hotel. Moments later not only had the police arrived but so had a crowd of 30-40 near fever pitch screaming at the police and one another, which was odd to say the least.

The next morning after chatting with the homeless guy at 7-Eleven, we learned that it had something to do with a debt, a bar, someone flashing a piece, someone else using a piece. Very detailed and conclusive.

I'm sure there is a lesson to be learned from this, I just don't know what it is.



Your Vote Is Important!

Please folks, find some time today to make it to the polls and vote. If you aren't registered to vote take today as an occasion to do so.

Your voice is important and your vote matters!



...please consider playing shows NOT on Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Not exclusively, just occasionally. I never seem to be able to catch a show I'm not working because, well, I'm working another show.

That's all. Thanks.



My Cubicle


Reality Check

How appropriate.



A Benchmark In Rider Composition



I shouldn't be excited about fuel but I am.


Steppininit & The Hunger Mountain Boys 9/28 @ The Gravity Lounge in C'ville

Three years ago I was working at the Newsong festival, then in Charlestown, WV, and I had the good fortune that these two groups crossed my stage. Ever since then I have been threatening to book these guys on the same bill. Well, someone stole my idea! It's a good thing too, given the amount of follow through and success I have when it comes to booking. It should be a good show.


Newsong Festival
The Gravity Lounge
The Hunger Mountain Boys


Gas Station Attendant Foreign Policy

So yesterday I'm working in NOVA and on the way back we stop somewhere off I-66 to get diesel. I fuel up and head inside to grab a water and pay. The attendant asks if I'd like my water and diesel separate (common if you've a company fuel card). I tell him no. At this point he assumes that I'm paying for the diesel personally (quite the opposite, the boss is just kind enough to buy my snacks as well) and sympathizes with me. He then offers me this bit of hope: "Well, maybe we'll get lucky and Israel will just bomb the hell out of 'em and the price of gas will come down."

I don't even know what to say to that. Yeesh...



Crack Crack Crack Crack Thump Crack Thump

It just gets better and better. And louder.

Thump Crack Th Thump Thump Crack...


It's one of those days. :s



Arranging. Inspiration. Not really.

So I've been put into the situation of needing to arrange a hymn tune for 2-octave bell choir in <36hrs, that can be put together with a minimum of rehearsal. When I first sat down to begin the process ~8 hours ago I was flooded with ideas. I thought "Wow, I havn't been able to write anything significant in more than a year and now, under pressure, I'm going to be able to put a bit of myself into this arrangement rather than simply manipulate a choral arrangment to fit into 2 octaves." Here I am 8 hours, a nap, and some sub-par chinese food later and I am totally stumped by the simplicity of the tune. I still have the ideas, they just aren't the right ones.

What to do...



This Weekend

Friday's gig was a big band out in the middle of nowhere (it's a nice place) & Saturday was a folk singer at the same venue. If you ever have a chance to see Janis Ian live I would suggest doing so.

Sunday we did the Rock and Roll thing:

Monitor World:

The view from FOH:


The music festival in the middle of nowhere.


MAN MAN at the Satellite Ballroom, C'ville, August 7

The title says it all. Unfortunatley I was working another stage at MACRoCk this year and did not get to see them, but everyone said they did a hell of a show (just ask this guy). I'm going to see for myself and so should you. Bring a friend or 30. Strangers too.



The Satellite Ballroom



Test 1, 2. Heeeey Yeah. STTT, STTT.